Wisconsin Department of Transportation
Construction: 1-25 work categories
Professional Technical: 1-25 work categories
Prequalification information:
The prequalification renewal period is now biennial. Please review the expiration date on your prequalification letter. WisDOT will not consider requests to alter the renewal date.
Submit through traditional mail or email. If emailing, all documentation, stamps, and seals must be included and legible.
Mailing Address:​​
W​isconsin Department of Transportation
Bureau of Project Development
Proposal Management Section
Attn: Contactor Specialist (Mickey Wagner)
4822 Madison Yards Way, Rm S437
Madison, WIÂ 53705
Email Address:​​​
DOT Contractor Prequalification​
​If you have prequalification questions, contact:
Contract Specialist (Mickey Wagner)
Phone:Â (608) 267-4012
Email: ​dotcontractorprequalification@dot.wi.gov​